Thursday, February 28, 2013


We are pleased to present the original and a unique design: Dark Light Show - the only project of its kind in Europe! Unusual dance performance in conjunction with the light creates an amazing impression on the audience. Show is based on the wireless lighting system that was designed by the best light specialists.
It is an innovative, totally new way to highlight the event, to present a new brand or logo. It's the perfect project for the implementation of a marketing campaign or a media event in a completely new technology in order to attract a wider audience.
The show is perfect for presentations, corporate and business events of any scale.
This is an amazing show! Artists Dark & ​​Light show will surprise the most awaited event!
Use your imagination and enjoy the most amazing Dark Light Show!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Sand Animation Show was part of great Gala Dinner organized in Abu Dhabi by Artaaj Events. It was an amazing experience and we would like to thank the Agency for great cooperation. Looking forward to future events!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Audiofeels is more than just a group of vocalists…….it’s a dream of performing together come true! A true affirmation of sound, originating deep down in the male soul. Audiofeels love sounds, just like the sounds love them.
Audiofeels brings together a unique sonic experience. They call it the “Vocal Play”. Basically it is the replication of musical instruments such as percussion, electric guitar, double bass, trumpet and other string instruments with human voice fused together with acapella performance and improvisation.Their repertoire includes  a number of covers of songs by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Metallica, Gnarls Barkley and Massive Attack to name a few. Having gained recognition and introduced Vocal Play onto the Polish musical scene their creative ambitions have now extended to include “Vocal Playing” music of their own.
Over the last 4 years Audiofeels has performed live to wildly enthusiastic audiences in Poland and abroad including winning audience 1st and  the jury joint 1st prize at the prestigious Leipzig Acapella Festival 2011 and 1 st   prize at the Sweepstakes Harmony Festival in New York March 2012 as well as numerous other TV and concert appearances. Their recorded output so far includes the CD’s “Uncovered” (Gold Disc) and “Unfinished” and the recently released DVD “Audiofeels Live at the Grand Theatre in Poznan”.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Mamy zaszczyt przedstawić Państwu ofertę zespołu RHYTHM BOYZ. Zespół tworzą profesjonalni muzycy, a ich niewątpliwym atutem nie jest ograniczenie się tylko do jednego nurtu muzyki, ale zabawy rytmem. RHYTHM BOYZ tworzy i wykonuje muzykę z wykorzystaniem etnicznych bębnów w stylach AFRO-CUBAN, BRASIL, CARIBBEAN, UKRAINIAN, show na żelaznych beczkach, perkusyjny team-building, prowadzenie integracji z publicznością, Jako wyjątkowe uzupełnienie koncertu przedstawiamy Państwu dodatkowo Laser Show, PJ Show. Muzycy, dzięki swej otwartości a także profesjonalizmowi brali udział w różnego rodzaju wydarzeniach: występowali na otwarciach aren sportowych, jako grupa supportowa na koncertach, w Top Summer klubach, eventach firmowych, imprezach plenerowych i integracyjnych.  Zespół Rhythm Boyz występował już przed publicznością w Anglii, Hiszpanii, Grecji, Turcji oraz Południowej Francji.